Publisher : (July 6, 2016)
Publication date : July 6, 2016
Language : English
File size : 2639 KB
Simultaneous device usage : Unlimited
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Sticky notes : On Kindle Scribe
Print length : 359 pages
Page numbers source ISBN : 1535548495
Memory Tower: Doublesight Series—eBook
A battle is emerging between the doublesight and the humans. As the two armies build their strength, the bear clan visits the doublesight's council grounds hoping to help. When their attempt is thwarted, they must decide on a new plan.
Zimp and Lankor head for memory tower while being chased by the harpies, and warriors from Castle Weilk. As they travel, their romance grows into something stronger than either of them had realized. In the mean time, King Belford struggles to gain control of his armies so that he can destroy as many doublesight as possible.
Memory tower has a lot more to teach the doublesight than they can even comprehend. What is inside this strange tower? Why are the gargoyle statues crumbling? What does any of it mean for the doublesight? Zimp and Lankor meet with the rest of the doublesight army only to find that there are growing disagreements between members. With internal turmoil, the doublesight still believe they have no choice than to fight for their freedom and the freedom of the rest of their kind.